Why this website, what is its purpose?

To the inner feeling of obligation to oppose the almost complete lack of objective, realistic and true in the reporting of domestic and foreign media about the events in Kosovo and Metohija, I responded as best as I could - by photography and articles.

In both I have heretofore gained enviable professional experiences. It appeared that the cooperation with internet portals and newspapers, that were ready and and willing to publish what I have had to say (and which certainly does not completely end with this), was enough. To a certain extent, it was, but at the same time it significantly affected, slowed down, and even blocked, everything which I worked on singly. In addition, the biggest lack of latest and breaking political news is their current topicality, and all this time it was necessary to work on something that has lasting value, which is a document, a testimony. This is why a personal website is simply necessary for me.

For the last 5 or 6 years the idea of my personal internet page (website) has been very, very actively alive even though it is quite old. Its launch was delayed first of all because I am not one of those people who can even bear self-promotion even when they themselves are the least important in all of this. The website aims to be a summation of everything that I have been working on by myself, as a journalist, for over 15 years now. To be authentic and truly, not just phraseologically as is the case in the leading media, an independent source of information about Kosovo and Metohija.

Covering events through the textual content of various journalistic genres and formats, also through documentaries as well as books that, in addition to these topics, also deal with the spiritual and cultural problems of the Serbian national being, about which you will soon be able to learn more, and in general the creation, collection and storage of documentary material are of great importance for the Serbian collective memory. At the moment, no one is working on it in a dedicated, systematic and organized manner, and I am not under the illusion that I will be able to replace the work that serious institutions should and only could adequately deal with, but I can certainly make my contribution. Also, providing a personal view of the overall events through the eyes of someone who was born and lives in Kosovo and Metohija and is outside of party, ideological, material and any other spheres of interest, is the purpose of launching the website www.ivanmaksimovic.com

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У припреми

Овде можете да пратите извештавање о догађајима на Косову и Метохији кроз текстове, фотографије, документарне филмове као и књиге које ће се поред општих тема бавити још и духовним и културним проблемима српског националног бића. Уопште, стварање и похрањивање документационе грађе од важности за српско колективно памћење, а од некога ко је рођен и ту живи, јесте сврха покретања овог веб-сајта.
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